Get Relief from Allergies and Sensitivities

By: Dr. Scott Clack
By: Scott Clack, B.Sc., N.D.

Many Canadians are affected by allergies, many more are unknowingly affected by sensitivities or intolerances to foods or substances in their daily living. The list of signs or symptoms of hidden sensitivities is extensive: fatigue, migraine headaches, eczema, asthma, seasonal allergies, environmental and food allergies, insomnia, back pain, digestive disorders ranging from constipation to IBS to Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. In my clinical practice I have observed sensitivities contributing to symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and PANS (Pedatric Acute Neurological Syndrome).

A little-known treatment, in Ontario and Canada anyways, that consistently helps relieve these symptoms or conditions is Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques, also called NAET. I have been practicing this treatment since 2001 and have successfully used it to help patients along with other naturopathic approaches. I have incorporated NAET into cases to help balance hormones for thyroid or women’s health complaints, and neurotransmitters for Anxiety or Depression.

NAET is a non-invasive, drug-free natural solution for eliminating allergies and intolerances using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures that are found in acupuncture/acupressure, chiropractic, nutritional and kinesiological disciplines. One allergen is treated at a time. If you are not severely immune deficient, you may only need one treatment to desensitize a single allergen. A person with a mild to moderate amount of allergies may take 15 to 20 treatments to desensitize 15 to 20 food and environmental allergens.

Basic or essential nutrients are re-balanced in the first few sessions, known as The Basics. These treatments restore tolerance to foods like eggs, dairy, wheat, citrus fruits, and sugar. The Basics also improve your metabolism, helping the body to function better than before and heal some chronic health issues. Chemical or environmental allergens, as well as intolerances that occur in modern living scenarios are treated after the first ten (10) Basic treatments are completed.

NAET has been successful in treating allergies to egg, milk, peanuts, penicillin, aspirin, mushrooms, shellfish, latex, grass, ragweed, flowers, perfume, animal dander, make-up, cigarette smoke, many pathogens (bacteria, viruses, yeast/fungi/mold, parasites). It will take several office visits and home/self-treatments to desensitize a severe allergen.

Success Stories:

Dust – A 65 year old gentleman suffered from rhinitis (nasal irritation) from dust, particularly dust from paper he was exposed to in his business. He learned about NAET watching a television program but expected that he would only need one treatment. An agreement was struck that he could receive a treatment for Dust mix at the first treatment session, but that if the treatment did not hold he would return and complete The Basics, followed by a repeat treatment for dust. Remarkably the man received full relief for two weeks, but the effects began to wane over another two-week period. He returned for treatments for The Basics and received full, on-going relief from his dust allergy after this.

Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) – I have seen three (3) different types of eczema patients based on their success with elimination diets:

  1. Those who get longterm relief (ie more than 6 months) by elimination diets only
  2. Relief that lasts for 4 to 6 weeks during the elimination before the eczema returns to its original symptom picture
  3. People who have tested positive for food sensitivities but get little to no relief from an elimination diet

NAET is helpful to all patients suffering from eczema, but the last two groups benefit the most. My goal as a Naturopathic Doctor is to help eczema sufferers, from infants to adults, achieve 100% relief of their symptoms. NAET has been the most effective treatment for them. A key benefit of using NAET treatments for eczema over elimination diets is that patients are able to return to a typical diet once they’ve regained tolerance to the foods (although admittedly these patients are given other explanations to be sure they maintain healthier eating habits).

Autism Spectrum Disorder – I started treating Autistic patients because some families had learned NAET could help their children. Many of the children who have had NAET along with other biomedical treatments (ie DAN! Or MAPS protocols) have seen better and faster improvement than children who were only treated with biomedical approaches. It is my opinion that NAET Basics treatments correct metabolic errors or insufficiencies that cannot be resolved simply by supplementation or treatments with herbal medicines. The Basics treatments focus on essential nutrients: after treating them with NAET, the child’s body utilizes those nutrients more efficiently, and metabolic processes are likely functioning better, thus allowing the child’s body to heal and function better than before any treatments started.

Mental Health: A Case of Severe Anxiety – One of my early NAET patients who suffered from chemical and food sensitivities, also suffered from anxiety. She was particularly afraide to drive, especially on highways. Her husband drove her to her early appointments because they lived in Hamilton and the Touchstone office was in Mississauga. This patient continued her care for over two years because of the improved tolerances she gained. While treating the patient for hormone imbalances, her husband was needed by a family member who lived far away. Her husband was going to be away for 4-6 months. She was successfully treated for her anxiety, including driving on highways, and was able to continue her treatments for hormonal imbalances while he was away.

Dr. Scott Clack

Dr. Scott Clack graduated from the Naturopathic Medicine program at Bastyr University (Seattle, WA) in 1997. He practiced in B.C. for two years before moving to Ontario and starting practice in April 2000. In activities with the naturopathic profession, Dr. Clack was a Director of the B.C. Naturopathic Association from 1998 through 1999, as well as being appointed to the Board of Directors of Drugless Therapy (the regulatory board of Naturopathic Medicine in Ontario) between 2002 and 2004. He was also voted Naturopathic Doctor of the Year in 2005 by his peers in the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors.