Welcome to Hygeia Naturopathic Clinic!

Nourish, Balance, Repair and Cleanse your Body by Unleashing its own Healing Ability

Natural Therapies

Experienced Practitioners

Individual Programs

Hello and welcome to Hygeia Naturopathic Clinic.

My name is Dr. Effy Germanis, and I am a Naturopathic Doctor and Registered Acupuncturist and the owner and director of Hygeia Naturopathic Clinic. Hygeia represents the goddess of health and hygiene and was associated with the prevention of sickness and the continuation of good health. At Hygeia our goal is to help you nourish, balance, repair, and cleanse your body by unleashing its own healing ability.

At Hygeia Naturopathic Clinic we provide individualized care and treat the person as a whole, by addressing the five pillars of health. These pillars are nutrition, gut health, hormonal health, the balance of movement and rest and brain health and mood balance. The five pillars are the foundations to health. Balance in all these areas is key to optimal health and vibrant energy. 

Get Hy with Hygeia:
Skin Health from the Inside Out

Wondering how your gut can affect your skin health?
Come in and learn from Dr. Effy Germanis ND and the clinical team how you can optimize your gut for long lasting skin health results and what other therapies and products you can use to support your skin.

Join us on Saturday June 22 at 11:00AM to 3:00PM
Enjoy live demos, speakers, prizes & much more!

Being healthy is the best kind of high.

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We Provide Individualized Care and Treat the Person as a “Whole” by addressing the 5 Pillars of Health.

5 Pillars of Health

Your Natural Path to Optimal Health and Well-being – Hygeia Naturopathic Clinic

If you can identify with any of these statements consider scheduling a session today!

  • I am tired of feeling sick and tired
  • I feel unwell and unhealthy
  • I am frustrated by not finding the CAUSE of my symptoms
  • I am looking for a NATURAL WAY to reclaim my health and vitality
  • I want to change but I am overwhelmed on how to begin
  • I want to make my health a priority
  • And most importantly, I am ready to commit to improving my well-being