The traditional Chinese medicine theory behind the operation of TDP lamps is based on the radiant electromagnetic frequencies that the healthy human body makes. A segment of this infrared spectrum comes from the sun, but some is blocked by the atmosphere. Some people who have studied energetic healing techniques can focus the radiant energy of the human body to affect another person.
The point of the TDP lamp is to reproduce this radiant effect in a dramatically more powerful and reproducible manner. Infrared “light” is too low a frequency to be seen with your eyes, but you can feel it, as you can when you stand near a stove.
There are well-known benefits to warming an injured area or strained muscle, the way soaking in a hot bath can soothe away aches and pains. The opposite is true that cold temperatures can aggravate joint pain, arthritis, and other illnesses. The TDP lamp has a penetrating heat that goes into the body 2 to 3.5 inches. Additionally, it’s providing the full infrared spectrum emitted by the human body, including the part that is filtered out of sunshine by our atmosphere. Add to that the mineral plate excitation, and you have a very powerful tool for jump-starting the body’s repair processes.
The simple mechanics of the TDP lamp’s heating action in stimulating natural body processes can most likely help with any condition where a boost in the body’s repair process is beneficial. Some patients anecdotally report 100% recovery, and most report a dramatic improvement of their symptoms of at least 40%. TDP lamps are in wide use by acupuncturists, chiropractors, and other natural health specialists.
Additionally, you may be familiar with the eastern medicine concept of Chi or Qi (Prana, Life Force, etc.), which is the energy that flows through living things. There are only a few ways to add Qi to the body: breathing, eating, moxibustion, an energetic healer, and the TDP Mineral Lamp. If your body is aging because you “burn the candle at both ends” or live with too much stress, you are depleting your Qi. If eating and breathing isn’t enough to keep you young and healthy, what else can you do? Well, you can go see your acupuncturist or shiatsu therapist. They may use moxa (a special mugwort herb that is burned), they may use their own hands, or they may use a TDP lamp. If you can’t afford to go to your practitioner regularly, and you don’t want to start burning smelly herbs, the TDP lamp is your only mechanical device for restoring Qi to your body. It’s not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle, but it is an economical way to take control of some of your health needs.